domingo, 27 de julho de 2008

Emily Brontë, born 30 of July (1818-1848)


Born Thornton, Yorkshire, the fifth child of the Rev. Patrick Brontë, and Maria Branwell Bronte.
Maria Brontë dies of cancer, and Emily's aunt, Elizabeth Branwell, moves in with the family.
Emily and Charlotte join their older sisters, Elizabeth and Maria, at the infamous Clergy Daughters' School at Cowan Bridge, Lancashire, which is depicted in Jane Eyre.
After the deaths of her two older sisters, Emily retums home to Haworth to learn and play with Charlotte, her brother Branwell, and Anne. They invent the imaginary Kingdom of Angria, about which they write many books.
After Charlotte goes to Miss Wooler's school at Roe Head, Emily and Anne invent a rival Kingdom of Gondal.
Student at Roe Head, where Charlotte is a teacher; become ill and returns home.
Teacher at Miss Hatchett's school for six months; returns home.
Studies French and German in Brussels at the Pensionnat Heger. Retums to Haworth in October for aunt Elizabeth's funeral and remains to keep house.
Publishes with Charlotte and Anne, Poems by Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell.
Publishes Wuthering Heights, an immediate popular success.
"After three years of excessive indulgence in alcohol and drugs, Branwell dies on September 24. Emily takes ill at his funeral, refuses all medical aid, and dies on December 19. She is buried beside her brother, mother, and other sisters at Haworth parsonage" (McGraw-Hill, 243).